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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Biblical Issues, Part 2 : Getting DEADLY...

The 7 Deadly Sins 

      I wanted to give a little time to post this entry since my last one about The Ten Commandments.  I have been working on this particular entry for a few days in my head BEFORE I tried this because I needed to "Check Myself" so I don't WRECK MYSELF ! 

Seriously !  

      I find that a lot of people don't know the 7 Deadly Sins or even that they exist, much less what they mean.  So, instead of boring you with standard definitions, I will just give you MY take on each one, but NOT in any specific order.  I personally don't believe they are a "SIN" at all.  I just think it is : HUMAN !  I accept it.  I embrace it.  I understand it...

1. LUST (Overly Abundant or misused Sex) : Physical Pleasure.  I am actually all for it.  GOD gave us desires and instincts.  It is for us to use so why not use it ?  Some people say it's temptation.  I just say that we are human beings and it's pure pleasure and I enjoy all that I can and I always will...  Some say Lust, I say : Enjoyment.  You will only live once so live it up !   

2.  ENVY (Jealousy) :  Fuck Eny, I want my own.  I don't give a shit what someone else has, I want what's mine, NOT what YOU have or anyone else...   

3. PRIDE / VANITY :  Well, If looking and feeling good is a sin, then I am guilty as charged and I see nothing wrong with it !  NEXT...   

4. WRATH (Anger) : All I can say is... : PISS ME OFF AND YOU'LL FIND OUT !  SERIOUSLY...  

5.  SLOTH (Laziness) : Enough said !  

6.  GLUTTONY : Over Eating, Ultra-Indulgence or over-consumption.  OK, I myself have a few pounds to lose and I know that I should be a little more active.  However, I'm over 40 so FUCK IT !  If you got it : EAT IT !  LOL...     

7. GREED : Corporate and Political Leaders are all 100% GUILTY.  Well...  I'm NOT greedy, but I DO like to have an abundant amount or more than enough of everything.  So, if this is seen as GREEDY, then so be it !!!!  

      So obviously I had just a little bit of humor with this blog entry, but on a SERIOUS NOTE : Stay away from the 7 Deadly Sins.  They are DEADLY SINS for a reason...  They can destroy your life, your body, and your very soul.  Please be careful...   

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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City Life - VS - Country Life

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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The Country Fox 3

      Well, I thought it is time to update this blog entry.  I have always been known to have a "Country Heart".  Well...  Since my other blog posts (Country Fox and Country Fox 2), I have had a lot of Positive and Negative experiences while living in both Maryland and Florida (Multiple Times).  I learned a lot.  Bottom line... : I HATE CITY LIFE !  City Life in any other city and state is all the same.  Time to break that DEAD END cycle.  When I think of City Life (in ANY city), all I think of is the crime, trash, the high cost of living, pollution, over-crowded population, traffic jams, noisy neighbors, rude people, drugs, gangs and I'm just getting started...   


      For over 2 decades now, I have often evaluated a possible life in North Carolina.  My heart has been beating for a Peaceful Country Lifestyle.  I kept it mostly to myself.  North Carolina offers the perfect blend of a Country life and the city lifestyle.  I'm NOT thrilled with city life anywhere.  However, I can be close enough to "flirt" with the city, without actually living in the city itself.  I want a Country lifestyle and I need fresh air, friendly people who actually care who still have old-fashioned Christian Values, eat fresh food, fruits, and vegetables.  I'm so ready for building a whole new Country life where my life will be completely free of the stressful, expensive, overworked, dirty city life.  City life will definitely burn you out !  I used to love and enjoy life, and I had such a free spirit.  Not so much anymore...  I want that back and to see all that I have been missing in life.  

      I am definitely a Country person at heart.  Also, I truly believe that living in the city caused me to meet ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE IN LIFE !  After all, you can only be connected to those who are in your close surroundings.  I am NOT liking the surroundings that I am in.  Time for a change...  A change of... : EVERYTHING ! 

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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