All my life, people around me have been greedy and living WAY BEYOND their mean$ (trying too anyway). Quite honestly, this makes me sick to my stomach. People are so hungry to live the "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", yet they're so afraid to $ave money by living responsibly as if it's some sort of embarrassment or shameful act. What ?
Look, right now everyone I know wants to be a "Boss" or a "Rich B!TCH", but don't have 2 nickels to rub together or the common $ense to know what to do with it in the first place if they had it. REALLY ? Straight up, STOP being a fake ass broke joke, and start learning how to Live within your Means and rock it PROUDLY TOO. Then pay it forward and help others do the same !
I myself have had people in my inner circle pushing me to live financially irresponsibly, putting me in a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE position in life. I know better ! I have been preaching to people for YEARS NOW about being wasteful, neglectful, foolish and lazy. Those people have not listened to me at all and have even dragged me down with them now.
NOT ANYMORE... I am NOT willing to continue allowing anyone to have the power to push me continually into financial ruins and personal destruction. It's completely sickening how spoiled and undiscipline so-called "adults" can be. Quite frankly, they just NEVER GREW UP ! How do we as a people (and as parents and elders) set responsible examples for the next generation, when we can't even get our own sh!t together ?
My father always said : Take care of your NEED$ before your WANT$ ! (I want that shiny new phone, I want that fancy new car, I want that nice new outfit, BUT I NEED TO PAY MY RENT, UTILITIES and BUY FOOD to feed and take care of my kids and family), got me ? As I continue to downsize and restructure my life as I know I should, I find that I have people fighting even harder to force me into living beyond my means and NOT willing to listen to reason.
It's a shame that people can't think for themselves, but instead they contimue listening to others who just want to only speak the Language of "MONEY". I think it's really pushing me toward making some hard eliminations in my life which at this point is not so hard and actually becoming VERY NECESSARY ! Now that I have successfully downsized, I'm "FINALLY" preparing to soon join the Tiny House Movement... I can't wait. It's been a long time in coming too.
Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...
Native Fire Star
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Beautiful Tiny Home
This Beautifully built Tiny Home is eye-catching and built very intelligently. I had to repost it here on my personal blog. This #TinyHouse is worth my attention and I look forward to having one of my own very soon... I would do mine on wheels so I can travel and move it anytime I wanted too but this is definitely a good build and has a lot of great ideas. Check it out at :
The original article was written by, Kimberly Mok : . Also, Check out her upcoming book "The Modern House Bus". Kimberly is definitely my favorite TreeHugger and she has an eye for smart, environmentally friendly living. BIG THUMBS UP ! To all my fellow TreeHuggers out there, Be safe, live smart and make the world a better place to live for all future generations :)
Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...
Native Fire Star
Native E-Mail
Fire Plus
Star Twitter