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The Fox

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Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Does a Property Manager Do?

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  
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Why NALP, Why Me?

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  
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NAA 2017 Year in Review

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Sunday, October 21, 2018


      There are some things you can control and avoid in life and some things you just can't and can't foresee as well.  In life, I have learned (the HARD way), that each and EVERY decision you make and EVERY action you take will have a consequence and a ripple effect on the rest of your entire lifetime.  Even the smallest of decisions.  

      Decisions decisions decisions...  When you make a decision, no matter how small it is or may seem, the ripple effect it can have on your life could end up being catastrophic !  This is something that I have learned first hand myself.  In the past, there were things that I knew and felt was wrong or not right in my life.  In some situations, I was bound by things that were beyond my control.  Other things, I didn't care about or thought was small and meaningless.  Oh, how wrong I was...  There are always choices in life.  Even if you can't see it or it's not obvious.  In most cases, it is obvious, you are just blind to the facts at the time.  You will eventually see everything clearly at a later time, however... (when it's too late).

      If I could turn back the hands of time to just 1 specific time... : June 23rd, 1991 !  Just by doing 1 thing as simple as CROSSING THE STREET on a certain particular morning could have changed my ENTIRE LIFETIME.  I couldn't see it then, but now... OMG !  My message to you in this blog entry are 2 things... 

1. Always THINK "SLOW and CAREFULLY".  NEVER EVER make fast rushed decisions or just "Go with the flow".  That could have ripple effects that will change the course of your entire life !  (TRUST ME ON THAT)  Take control, think slow and choose WISELY ! 

2. Be careful of what you wish for...  SERIOUSLY !   I will leave that as it is... 

Michelle, Victoria and Brandon 

Friday, October 19th, 2018
This is all that is left of the ONCE STRONG 
"FOX FAMILY" that I built and once knew...  Now I have to fight to get Victoria back (Middle).

      January 2015, 1 fatal decision changed EVERYTHING I once knew.  It was a decision that I had to make, even though I realized the consequences it would carry.  Little did I know that it would be 1,000 times worse...
R.I.P : Deloris "Chipmunk" Fox
August 15, 1966 - February 19, 2018
(Breast Cancer)

      Decisions...  Just 1 wrong decision can have effects and results that you could have NEVER IMAGINED...  I can't tell the whole story here in this blog entry, but believe me, If I could make changes, I WOULD !  However, we can't go back...  We can only learn from our "Growing Pains" in life and strive to do better in the future and be stronger !  Never take "ANY" decision lightly...  You just never know what could happen or result from a fast and bad decision that seems like "no BIG deal" at the time.  

      1 last thing...  Always put your FAMILY first.  NOT your friends, NOT your neighbors, NOT your co-workers or anyone else.  Always remember, once your family members are gone...  THEY'RE GONE !  If you can, TRY to reach out to them.  Some situations are difficult, I know but just try.  Life is just too short for the selfish bullshit that means nothing in the end.  Remember these words...  Make necessary changes and efforts while you can.  Once the ship sails, it's too late !  You can't change other people but you CAN CONTROL YOUR OWN ACTIONS and DECISIONS !  Don't live and die with unnecessary regrets.  UN-Necessary means it didn't have to be that way...  Decisions !   

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Purge


      So, It's NOW September 1st, 2018 : VIRGO SEASON - OFFICIALLY !  For my birthday month, I am going to go through a "Purge and Cleanse" so my body can move back in the right direction.  During the month of August, I prepped and prepared my body for a hardcore "cleansing" process.  

      During my birthday month of September, I'm going totally and completely meat free and sugar-free. That is way easier said than done.  Which is exactly why I took the entire month of August to prepare myself.  Losing weight and keeping it off is just the start.  Keeping my body healthy and unclogging my veins and arteries is a whole different story.  As a side note, I also do NOT want to further be a part of the slaughter of innocent animals.  They have a life to live too, just like me !  

      The part that will be hard for me is the NO SUGAR part !  I recently switched to Splenda and stopped using Sugar altogether (even though Splenda is made from Sugar, I know that).  At least it's a step in the right direction...  With a long family history of Diabetics, I am making a lot of changes in my life, especially my daily routine in my day to day life.  It's not too late and I want to be the one who leads the way in my family bloodline.  Enough is enough and it's time for a change.   

      From September 1st to September 30th, I am officially on a journey to "Purge and Cleanse" my body of ALL MEAT products and SUGAR (which includes junk food, OUCH).  My body has already been through enough damage.  It's time I start the process of cleaning myself up, dropping weight and getting myself back in control.  I want to live a long healthy life and reverse some of the damage that is already done.     

      This Blog entry is dedicated to my father David "Hawk Nose" Powell, my daughter Ashley "DJ" Fox, my grandmother Jeanette Powell and my great-grandmother Betty Kersey.  


Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Body Desecration

Read Leviticus 19:28.  Then go back and read 19:27 - 19:30.  

Then Read : 

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Sunday, August 12, 2018

Living Beyond Mean$


      All my life, people around me have been greedy and living WAY BEYOND their mean$ (trying too anyway).  Quite honestly, this makes me sick to my stomach.  People are so hungry to live the "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", yet they're so afraid to $ave money by living responsibly as if it's some sort of embarrassment or shameful act.  What ?  

      Look, right now everyone I know wants to be a "Boss" or a "Rich B!TCH", but don't have 2 nickels to rub together or the common $ense to know what to do with it in the first place if they had it.  REALLY ?  Straight up, STOP being a fake ass broke joke, and start learning how to Live within your Means and rock it PROUDLY TOO.  Then pay it forward and help others do the same !  


      I myself have had people in my inner circle pushing me to live financially irresponsibly, putting me in a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE position in life.  I know better !  I have been preaching to people for YEARS NOW about being wasteful, neglectful, foolish and lazy.  Those people have not listened to me at all and have even dragged me down with them now.  

      NOT ANYMORE...  I am NOT willing to continue allowing anyone to have the power to push me continually into financial ruins and personal destruction.  It's completely sickening how spoiled and undiscipline so-called "adults" can be.  Quite frankly, they just NEVER GREW UP !  How do we as a people (and as parents and elders) set responsible examples for the next generation, when we can't even get our own sh!t together ?  

      My father always said : Take care of your NEED$ before your WANT$ !  (I want that shiny new phone, I want that fancy new car, I want that nice new outfit, BUT I NEED TO PAY MY RENT, UTILITIES and BUY FOOD to feed and take care of my kids and family), got me ?  As I continue to downsize and restructure my life as I know I should, I find that I have people fighting even harder to force me into living beyond my means and NOT willing to listen to reason.  

      It's a shame that people can't think for themselves, but instead they contimue listening to others who just want to only speak the Language of "MONEY".  I think it's really pushing me toward making some hard eliminations in my life which at this point is not so hard and actually becoming VERY NECESSARY !  Now that I have successfully downsized, I'm "FINALLY" preparing to soon join the Tiny House Movement...  I can't wait.  It's been a long time in coming too.  

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Tiny House Transition Phase 1

Tiny House Transition phase 1 Complete.  Now for phase 2, the planning. 

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Beautiful Tiny Home

Beautiful Tiny Home

      This Beautifully built Tiny Home is eye-catching and built very intelligently.  I had to repost it here on my personal blog.  This #TinyHouse is worth my attention and I look forward to having one of my own very soon...  I would do mine on wheels so I can travel and move it anytime I wanted too but this is definitely a good build and has a lot of great ideas.  Check it out at :  

      The original article was written by, Kimberly Mok : .  Also, Check out her upcoming book "The Modern House Bus".  Kimberly is definitely my favorite TreeHugger and she has an eye for smart, environmentally friendly living.  BIG THUMBS UP !  To all my fellow TreeHuggers out there, Be safe, live smart and make the world a better place to live for all future generations :)  

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Thursday, July 12, 2018

Biblical Issues, Part 2 : Getting DEADLY...

The 7 Deadly Sins 

      I wanted to give a little time to post this entry since my last one about The Ten Commandments.  I have been working on this particular entry for a few days in my head BEFORE I tried this because I needed to "Check Myself" so I don't WRECK MYSELF ! 

Seriously !  

      I find that a lot of people don't know the 7 Deadly Sins or even that they exist, much less what they mean.  So, instead of boring you with standard definitions, I will just give you MY take on each one, but NOT in any specific order.  I personally don't believe they are a "SIN" at all.  I just think it is : HUMAN !  I accept it.  I embrace it.  I understand it...

1. LUST (Overly Abundant or misused Sex) : Physical Pleasure.  I am actually all for it.  GOD gave us desires and instincts.  It is for us to use so why not use it ?  Some people say it's temptation.  I just say that we are human beings and it's pure pleasure and I enjoy all that I can and I always will...  Some say Lust, I say : Enjoyment.  You will only live once so live it up !   

2.  ENVY (Jealousy) :  Fuck Eny, I want my own.  I don't give a shit what someone else has, I want what's mine, NOT what YOU have or anyone else...   

3. PRIDE / VANITY :  Well, If looking and feeling good is a sin, then I am guilty as charged and I see nothing wrong with it !  NEXT...   

4. WRATH (Anger) : All I can say is... : PISS ME OFF AND YOU'LL FIND OUT !  SERIOUSLY...  

5.  SLOTH (Laziness) : Enough said !  

6.  GLUTTONY : Over Eating, Ultra-Indulgence or over-consumption.  OK, I myself have a few pounds to lose and I know that I should be a little more active.  However, I'm over 40 so FUCK IT !  If you got it : EAT IT !  LOL...     

7. GREED : Corporate and Political Leaders are all 100% GUILTY.  Well...  I'm NOT greedy, but I DO like to have an abundant amount or more than enough of everything.  So, if this is seen as GREEDY, then so be it !!!!  

      So obviously I had just a little bit of humor with this blog entry, but on a SERIOUS NOTE : Stay away from the 7 Deadly Sins.  They are DEADLY SINS for a reason...  They can destroy your life, your body, and your very soul.  Please be careful...   

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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City Life - VS - Country Life

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

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The Country Fox 3

      Well, I thought it is time to update this blog entry.  I have always been known to have a "Country Heart".  Well...  Since my other blog posts (Country Fox and Country Fox 2), I have had a lot of Positive and Negative experiences while living in both Maryland and Florida (Multiple Times).  I learned a lot.  Bottom line... : I HATE CITY LIFE !  City Life in any other city and state is all the same.  Time to break that DEAD END cycle.  When I think of City Life (in ANY city), all I think of is the crime, trash, the high cost of living, pollution, over-crowded population, traffic jams, noisy neighbors, rude people, drugs, gangs and I'm just getting started...   


      For over 2 decades now, I have often evaluated a possible life in North Carolina.  My heart has been beating for a Peaceful Country Lifestyle.  I kept it mostly to myself.  North Carolina offers the perfect blend of a Country life and the city lifestyle.  I'm NOT thrilled with city life anywhere.  However, I can be close enough to "flirt" with the city, without actually living in the city itself.  I want a Country lifestyle and I need fresh air, friendly people who actually care who still have old-fashioned Christian Values, eat fresh food, fruits, and vegetables.  I'm so ready for building a whole new Country life where my life will be completely free of the stressful, expensive, overworked, dirty city life.  City life will definitely burn you out !  I used to love and enjoy life, and I had such a free spirit.  Not so much anymore...  I want that back and to see all that I have been missing in life.  

      I am definitely a Country person at heart.  Also, I truly believe that living in the city caused me to meet ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE IN LIFE !  After all, you can only be connected to those who are in your close surroundings.  I am NOT liking the surroundings that I am in.  Time for a change...  A change of... : EVERYTHING ! 

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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Sunday, April 1, 2018

New Beginnings : Uncharted Waters

      It's been such a long time since I actually made a blog post, which I was once so famous for.  My writing skills are so rusty but I will get it back with time.  So much has changed in my life.  I am just a completely different person.  I am finally 100% single and unattached.  I am now FINALLY living alone, with my kids.  I am getting used to a really quiet 3 bedroom house and a very well paying job to open future doors.  As much as I have always wanted to just live alone, it feels kinda weird at this point in my life, but I seriously appreciate the solitude.  

      I just keep reminding myself that this is my last opportunity in my lifetime to blaze a new path and NOT repeat the foolish mistakes that I have made by allowing selfish others to unnecessarily bring me down and knock me off my chosen path in "MY" life.  2016 and 2017 were BOTH many lessons learned...  One after another.  I now know that it's FAR BETTER to remain alone, happy and uncomplicated than united with someone who makes me completely miserable, wastes my time and sidetracks me from my personal goals.  

      Another thing is, I now believe that I "NEEDED" to go through all my past unspoken hardships, in order to teach me those hard lessons that I truly needed to learn.  NOW...  There is something else coming upon the horizon in my life.  A whole new chapter.  People who know me personally know that I have been on a path to obtaining a Tiny House or Fifth Wheel.  Well...  Due to the cost differences and the mobile practicality factor, I think I am leaning more towards the Fifth Wheel.  Starting off with an affordable lifestyle, the 5th Wheel seems to be the better way to go.  

      I recently subscribed to "Trailer Life" magazine and I am learning a lot.  So much real hands-on info, right at my fingertips.  I am also a member of several online groups with knowledgeable people to learn from and network with.  So as I seek to radically change my life, so I begin a NEW BEGINNING... 


Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  
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