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Monday, June 16, 2014

WWW : White World Walmart

       I want to tell you all a story about How RACIST WALMART is and a WHITE WALMART RACIST named "ED" !  Let me tell you a little story about "ME", working for : 

"White World Walmart" !
       Years ago...  I used to work at Walmart, briefly.  The store I worked at was located in Hunt Valley, Maryland.  Since that time, That store is NOW relocated to Cockeysville, Maryland, on York Road (Right down the street from where it used to be).  I was a NEW employee at the original store.  I was totally green.  I was young.  I was so proud of my new job and I actually had high hopes for that experience (stupid me, I know).  I was assigned to the Sporting Goods section.  There, I stocked merchandise and served customers.  I met a lot of really nice cool people too.  It was pretty sweet, even for that "ULTRA WHITE" area.

      However... I had a Department manager / supervisor named "ED".  He made it TRULY crystal clear right from the start of DAY 1, that this Racist White Redneck BASTARD definitely did not like me at all.  Apparently, I just didn't "FIT" in and I was NOT welcome there at all...  He made dam sure that I knew it too.  He didn't know me or anything about me, other than the fact that I was NOT WHITE like HE was.  Yet, he proceeded to talk DOWN to me like the "Little Slave Boy".  I was immediately VERY uncomfortable.  Still, I was happy to be there.  I just figured that I was new and needed to prove myself.  So, I thought...  OK, I will take my lumps and eventually warm up to this guy or just change to another area / department.  Sounds pretty simple, right ?  NO WAY...  Back in those days (and still pretty much today as well), in that area (Upper Baltimore County), ULTRA WHITE PEOPLE RULED THE LAND.  If you wasn't WHITE, You wasn't Right...  Get me !

      Well, as all of you (my readers) know...  My first (and ONLY) Love is music.  Well...  One day, I was at work.  I was on the floor and I was told by ED to simply straighten up the shelves, face up everything and make our area look "Pretty".  I was like : Ok cool, no problem.  So, I am doing my job and I had my section looking  "Way Cool".  Being a new employee, I was softly singing to myself, passing the time.  Basically, "Whistling while I worked".  The day was going well, until...  Ed, called me over to talk to him.  I was totally unaware of what was to SHOCKINGLY happen next...  He dropped a bomb on me.  He told me that I should punch out and go home !  I was like huh ?  I just got here.  What's wrong I asked him ?  He said, : See that lady right there (Pointing to a middle aged WHITE Woman).  I said yeah, what about her...?  
      He said, I offended her and that I was "Offensive" to our Walmart guests.  I was like huh ?  But, I didn't do anything.  I was just fixing and cleaning the shelves like you asked me too and I was just "Whistling while I worked".  What did I do wrong ?  He just told me that I should punch out and leave the store immediately.  I was really hurt, confused and completely disoriented.  Well, as I walked away, the middle aged WHITE lady looked at me with a very dirty look and giving me a weird and eerie smile.  I should have went to talk with the store manager to fight it.  However, I was young and Naive,  So, I just punched out and walked out the store.  I knew that in those days, you don't fight "The White".  Especially since I was "Out of my element". 
      I called the store to talk to ED the very next day to inquire about my next scheduled day of work.  I was told by ED, My department manager, NOT to report to work and that I was taken off the schedule.  I was "Let Go".  I asked "Why" ?  I was confused and hurt, because I didn't do anything wrong !  When I went to the store to pick up my paycheck that Friday, I was told that I was offensive to customers and that I was BARRED FOR LIFE from "EVER" working for WALMART again.  My heart was racing and my head was spinning so hard, that it took me over a week later to really calm myself down enough to think clearly and realize that I had been a victim of RACISM !  Until this day I still can NOT even apply at any Walmart store (I know, I tried, in 3 different states).  

      I have since contacted that store several times over the years to clear the matter up and I also contacted the main Walmart Corp. to try to get my record clear and to "RIGHT THIS WRONG" to, me.  Over the years I have made several attempts to "CLEAR MY GOOD NAME" !  I have been given 1 cheap excuse after another, Ignored flat and even told that basically "It's too late, I am NOT Welcome back to Walmart" !  

You either get it WHITE or you just don't get it RIGHT

Live your Dreams and ALWAYS : Reach for The Stars...  

Native Fire Star  

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