WOW, It has been a while since I last updated my blog. I have really been busy with work, kids, family and finding time for someone that I have been greatly neglecting... : ME ! Sorry for being absent for so long but here's why and where I am in life now...
It has taken me a few years (sad) to rebuild my credit and self stability. After a long hard fought battle, I have finally got to see more than just the light at the end of the tunnel. As I am now closer to the personal and financial stability that I have always wanted to have, the time has finally come in my life to reach for my dream. As some of you know, I have a real love and passion for Property Management and Real Estate. You just have to be careful of the state and the market area that you are in because some parts of the country is still suffering from sluggish sales in certain areas. Depending on your credit and job status, it can be a very rewarding life decision or a hellish nightmare.
You must make your own path in life and let nothing and no one hold you back. My problem was that I was always being held back and side tracked with someone that meant me ABSOLUTELY NO GOOD at all, as well as jobs that offered me no stability and no solid ground to stand on to support myself and my family. At the same time, those jobs always kept me further and further away from my true dream in owning and operating my own office in Property Management / Real Estate Sales because they were in completely different career fields with long hours and low pay. I was burning out fast.
It's been a real struggle, in my fight to regain control over my life and finances. I have now won that fight. I am now ready to take the next step... I am scouting properties in 2 states and market areas that I believe is a good place for me to start.
That's about buying and managing the properties that I want to market for investments in my Property Management career. Now, as for where I personally want to live myself...? Well..., That's the next blog entry...